Pajanelia longifolia (Willd.) K.Schum

Bignonia longifolia Willd
Local name
Flowering and fruiting period
India and Myanmar
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forests, also in the plains
The timber is suitable for woodworking purposes, such as building doors, wall panelling, domestic flooring, veneer and plywood, due to it being very hard and close grained.
Key Botanical Characters           :
Deciduous trees, to 20 m high, bole unbranched to a considerable height; bark pale grey, shining, pustular lenticels in vertical rows. Leaves compound, imparipinnate, leaflets 7-17, opposite, ovate, apex acuminate, base oblique, margin entire, glabrous, chartaceous;  glabrous, stout; petiolule  channelled above, glabrous; lateral nerves 6-10 pairs, pinnate, prominent; intercostae reticulate. Flowers bisexual, crimson-purple, white within, in large terminal recemose panicles. Calyx  campanulate, lobes 5, rusty tomentose. Corolla base narrow, broadly ventricose, lobes 5, subequal, crisped. Stamens 4, free, didydynamous with a rudimentary fifth, filaments arching, slender; anthers equal, oblong. Ovary oblong; ovules many; placenta thin at centre; style 6 cm long; stigma 2 lobed. Fruit a capsule, brown, winged on both margins, compressed, smooth; seeds flat, papery, winged on both sides.


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