Arundo donax L.



Aira bengalensis (Retz.) J.F.Gmel




Local name


Malayalam- Oodappullu.

Flowering and fruiting period





Mediterranean region eastwards to North Africa, India-Pakistan; introduced into many parts of worlld

Distribution in kerala


 Kottayam, Palakkad, Kozhikkode, Thrissur



  Along banks of streams and backwaters



Stems serve as support for vines and similar climbing plants, and for making trellises and the like for climbing cultivated plants. The rhizome or rootstock is used for dropsy. Boiled in wine with honey, the root or rhizome has been used for cancer. 

Key Botanical Characters:

Perennial, with creeping woody rhizomes. Culms erect, up to 5 m high. Leaf-blades conspicuously distichous, linear-lanceolate, rounded or cordate at the base, 30-60 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, glabrous, smooth, long-attenuate at the tip. Panicle 30.60 cm long and 5.8(10) cm wide. Spikelets 10-15 mm long; glumes subequal, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, (8-)10-13 mm long, the lower a little shorter than the upper; lemmas lanceolate, (6) 8.5-13 mm long, 3-5-nerved, 3 of the nerves produced as short aristae, hairy all over the back below the middle with hairs up to 7 mm long. 

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