Nymphoides macrospermum Vasud.Nair

Flowering and fruiting period

Southern Western Ghats (Kerala)
Distribution in Kerala
Alappuzha, Kozhikode, Ernakulam
Paddy fields and ponds
It is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a popular drug, i.e. Tagara. They are also utilized by the traditional local healers of different Asian countries to treat various diseases, like convulsion, jaundice, fever, headache,
IUCN status
Critically endangered
Key botanical characters:
Annual or perennial, dioecious, rhizomatous herbs. Branches dimorphic, all fertile; primary branches petiole-like, the length of which vary according to water depth, uniphyllous; tuberous roots at the nodes. Leaves. Base deeply cordate, apex rounded, membranous, and gland-dotted below; Flowers unisexual, in umbellate clusters at the nodes. Male flowers: calyx deeply 5-partite; lobes blong-obtuse, pinkish. Corolla white, tube short; oblong or elliptic, hairy at base and with fimbriately toothed wings on the margins and with a similar median longitudinal crest within. Stamens 5; filaments 2 mm long; anthers yellow. Pistillode bottle-shaped. Female flowers: calyx and corolla as in male. Staminodes 5, similar to fertile stamens. Ovary bottle-shaped; stigma yellowish, bifid, each lobe fimbriate. Capsule to 8 mm long, ovoid. Seeds 2-6 in each capsule, ovoid or ellipsoid.

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