Nymphoides parvifolia Kuntze

Limmanthemum parvifolium Griseb.
Flowering and fruiting period

Indo-Malesia to Australia
Distribution in Kerala
Alappuzha, Kasaragode, Kollam,Malappuram, Kozhikkode, Kannur
Shallow ponds and paddy fields
It is an aquarium plants.
Key botanical characters:
Annual or perennial, rhizomatous herbs; obconical. Leaves dimorphic; sterile leaves many, in a basal rosette, submerged, often winged; lamina spathulate fertile leaves solitary at the apices of capilliform branches, floating, ovate-orbicular, rounded or obtuse at apex, deeply cordate at base with narrow sinuses, membranous, entire, green; petiole 2-5 mm long. Flowers bisexual, homostylous in umbellate clusters of 4-8 at the junction of the petiole and the branches. Calyx deeply 4(-5) lobed. Corolla white with a yellow throat; tube 2-3 mm, with a ring of hyaline hairs at the throat; lobes 4 (-5), oblong or elliptic, 3-5 mm long, margins fimbriately toothed towards the apex. Stamens as many as corolla lobes, inserted below the throat, alternating with minute, stalked tufts of white, glandular hairs. Pistil bottle-shaped with 4-5 disc glands below; style short, but distinct; stigma bilobed.Capsules ellipsoid.

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