Mimusops elengi L.

Mimusops parvifolia R.Br.     
Local name
English - Asian bullet wood
Malayalam - Elanchi, Elangi  
Flowering and fruiting period
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Semi-evergreen and evergreen forests, also  grown in homesteads
The bark, flowers, fruits and seeds are used in Ayurvedic medicine in which it is purported to be astringent, cooling, anthelmintic, tonic and febrifuge. It is mainly used for dental ailments such as bleeding gums, pyorrhoea, dental caries, and loose teeth.
Key Botanical Characters: 
Evergreen trees, bark dark grey, cracked or fissured longitudinally, scaly, rough; lenticels vertical; exudation milky; young branches brown pubescent. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral, stipulate; stipules lanceolate, caducous. Flowers bisexual, white, fragrant, 1-3 in axillary fascicles. Calyx lobes 8 in 2 series of 4 each, thick, outer lanceolate, valvate, pubescent; corolla 1 cm across; lobes 24, 3 series of 8 each, with hairs on back and margins, acuminate; stamens 8, alternating with pilose staminodes; filaments 1 mm, anthers oblong, cordate, connectives apiculate; staminodes lanceolate, acuminate, fimbricate, pilose; ovary void, hirsute without, 6-8-celled; 1 ovule in each cell; style columnar, stigma minutely fimbricate. Fruit a berry, yellow, ovoid, fleshy, epicarp thin; seed usually 1, oblong-ellipsoid, laterally compressed.

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