Ardisia elliptica Thunb.

Ardisia littoralis Andrews
Local name
English- Coralbush
Malyalam-  Kadal cherry
Flowering and fruiting period

India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Malesia
Distribution in Kerala
Alappuzha, Kollam, Kottayam
Mangrove swamps and backwaters
The plant is sometimes harvested from the wild for local use as a food and medicine. It is often grown as an ornamental, being valued especially for its attractive fruit.
Key Botanical Characters:  
Erect branched shrub to 1.5 m tall. Leaves clustered towards the ends of the branches, obovate-oblong or elliptic, base cuneate, apex acute or subobtuse, coriaceous; petiole to 1 cm long. Inflorescence axillary or lateral umbels, rarely lengthened into racemes; peduncle 2-3 cm long. Flowers pink; pedicels 0.8-1.4 cm long,stout. Calyx long; lobes elliptic, obtuse, with membranous margins, in fruit enlarged,orbicular, closely pressed to the berry. Corolla-lobes long, obliquely ovate-acuminate, gland-dotted. Berry s, dipressed globose, apiculate, red at first turning purplish black.

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