Pavetta breviflora DC.

Ixora candolleana Kuntze 
Flowering and fruiting period
Southern Western Ghats
Distribution in Kerala
Idukki, Kollam, Palakkad, Kannur
Evergreen and shola forests
The root is bitter, aperient, diuretic, purgative and tonic. It is used for visceral obstructions, intestinal disorders, dysentery, jaundice, headache, toothache, urinary diseases and dropsy
Key botanical characters :
Shrubs or small trees; stem stout, subquadrangular, glabrous; bark yellowish. Leaves simple, opposite,  elliptic or elliptic-obovate, acute at apex and base, subcoriaceous, glabrous; domatia few to many on secondary or tertiary nerves; lateral nerves 9-12 pairs, alternate or subopposite, more prominent beneath; petioles stout, glabrous; stipules interpetiolarnarrowly triangular, subcoriaceous, scarious at margin. Inflorescence terminal, peduncled, trichotomously branched, corymbose cymes. Flowers 40-50; bracts broadly triangular, membranous, glabrous pedicelsglabrous. Hypanthium obovoid,; Calyx tube broader above, glabrous; teeth narrowly triangular or dentate, glabrous; Corolla tube, cylindrical, glabrous; lobes oblong, mucronulate at apex, glabrous. Staminal filaments glabrous; Drupe, globose or subglobose, glabrous. seeds ca 4 mm.

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