Psilanthus travancorensis (Wight & Arn.) Leroy,

Local name
Flowering and fruiting period
Peninsular India and Sri Lanka
Distribution in Kerala
Kottayam, Alappuzha, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram
Sacred groves and scrub jungles
 It is reported to cure anaemia, cardiac diseases, skin diseases, oedema, ulcers, inflammatory swellings
Key botanical characters :
Shrubs, to 1.5-2.5 m tall. Leaves simple, opposite, variable in size and shape, broadly ovate, elliptic or oblanceolate, entire, acuminate at apex, acute or cuneate at base, coriaceous, glabrous, shining green above, paler beneath; lateral nerves 5-8 pairs, faint above, raised below, without domatia; stipules ovate, shortly acuminate at tip,  glabrous outside and with colleters at base within. Inflorescence 1-5 flowered, mostly on terminal. Flowers white, the central flower in 3-5 flowered Calyx cup-shaped, glabrous, much shorter than the disc, limb subentire. Corolla glabrous, tube cylindric, , lobes 5, elliptic-obtuse. Stamens 5, inserted below the throat; Fruits blue-black when ripe, depressed globose, seeds dark, ellipsoid, with a prominent ventral groove.

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