Thalia geniculata L.,

Maranta arundinacea Billb. ex Beurl.
Local name
English -   Bent Alligator-Flag
 Flowering and fruiting period
Tropical Africa, South East U.S.A. to Tropical
Distribution in kerala
Malappuram, Kozhikkode
Grown as garden plant
The leaves and stems are widely used for thatching, packing and plaiting
Key Botanical Characters:
 Clump forming aquatic/marsh plants up to 2 m tall. Leaves distichous, sheathed, with a brownish, cylindrical pulvinus on the upper part of stalk; sheaths adpressed to form a pseudostem. Leaf blades  ovate-lanceolate, acuminate and with a purplish mark at the base near the stalk.  flowers, sessile, in pairs, in lax zig-zag pendulous spikes. Sepals 3, violet, equal, free, oblong with round tips. Petals 3, dorsal one shortly tubular, dark purplish with a dorsal lobe folded backwards; one lower petal free, light pinkish white, ovate, clawed, thin, papery, much larger and the third petal keel-like with two appendages, one acicular and other hook like. , fused, yellow, projecting from the inner throat of the dorsal petal. Ovary yellow, . Fruit is a nut with a curved embryo embedded in perisperm. 

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