Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl


Eleocharis dichotoma (L.) H.Karst.

Local name
English- Two-leaved fimbristylus
 Flowering and fruiting period
Distribution in kerala
All Districts
Degraded deciduous forests, cultivated lands and riverbanks
The plant is a good source of organic matter - when abundant it is ploughed back into the soil as a soil improver.The plant is useful as a soil binder to control erosion
Key Botanical Characters : 
Annual herbs .Rhizome short .Clums tufted,glabarous .Stem caespitose, to 70 cm, rigid, 2.5 mm wide. Leaves canaliculate, rarely flat, as long or shorter than stem, scabrid, apex acute; ligule a fringe of short hairs; sheaths rusty or pinkish. Inflorescence simple or decompound, involucral bracts 3-7, longest to 10 cm; primary rays 3-5, glabrous or pilose; secondary rays 3. Spikelet solitary, ovoid, oblong-ovoid, or terete, to 5 mm, acute; rachilla winged; glumes broadly ovate to suborbicular, to 2 mm, membranous, red-brown, glabrous, sides hyaline, nerveless, mucronulate, keel 3-nerved. Stamen 1; filament to 2 mm; anther linear, to 1 mm. Style 2-fid, basally glabrous; stigmas ciliate. Nut obovoid, biconvex, , glossy, vertical ribs 7-10, obscurely cross-barred, umbonulate, stipitate.

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