Humboldtia brunonis Wall.

Local name
Malayalam- Kattasokam
 Flowering and fruiting period
Southern Western Ghats
Distribution in kerala
Kasaragode, Kannur, Wayanad, Malappuram, Kozhikkode, Ernakulam
 Evergreen forests

Endemic to Southern Western Ghats

Key Botanical Characters  :   
Trees, to 10 m high, bark dark brown to black; branchlets solid, sometimes swollen, pubescent when young, glabrous at maturity, lenticellate. Leaves paripinnate, alternate, leaflets (2)-4, opposite, obovate oblong, oblong or elliptic-oblong, apex obtusely acuminate, base unequal, margin entire, glabrous, sparsely depressed glandular beneath, coriaceous; appendages broadly reniform, divergently veined, glabrous, glandular, persistent; rachis 20-40 mm long, obscurely winged, shallowly grooved above, tomentose, pulvinate; petiolules 3-5 mm long, stout; lateral nerves 7-13 pairs, pinnate, ascending, prominent, intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers bisexual, , white, in axillary pendulous, brown pubescent, racemes; Calyx tube 8-10 mm long, lined by the disc, pubescent without; lobes 4, concave, imbricate, acute or obtuse at tip, densely pubescent without and thinly within, reddish, fugacious. Petals 3, white, pink or orange, ovate, shortly clawed, veined, glabrous. Fruit a pod dolabriform, brown pubescent when young; seeds 3-4

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