Hedychium coronarium J.Koenig



Amomum filiforme Hunter ex Ridl.




Local name


Malayalam- Sugandhi
Butterfly Ginger Lily

Flowering and fruiting period


Throughout the year



India, Malaysia. Widely grown in tropical countries.

Distribution in Kerala


All districts



Common near streams, ponds at high altitudes.



Cultivated as ornamental. It has medicinal properties.

Key botanical characters:

Rhizome 2-3 cm thick, perennial, with annular cicatrices, yellow inside. Leafy shoots erect, 2-3 m high, covered by leaf sheaths. Leaves sessile, bifarious, 30-60 × 6-10 cm, oblong-lanceolate, base equal, tip acuminate, lower surface pubescent, upper glabrous and dark green; ligulate membranous closely to the stem, brown. Inflorescence terminal, solitary erect, dense flowered, more or less elliptic. Bracts at the base of the inflorescence c.5 x 30 cm, rounded with a pointed tip, green, glabrous. Bracteoles membranous, 3 x 1.5 cm, inner narrower. Flowers large, white. Calyx shorter than bracts, glabrous. Corolla tube slender, 7-8 cm long; lobes linear lanceolate, 3 nerved, white. Labellum obcordate, bifid, lobes rounded, narrowed at the base into a claw, white with a central green tinge. Lateral staminode white. Stamen shorter than lip. Seeds many, aril lacerate.


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