Zingiber nimmonii (J.Graham) Dalzell



Alpinia nimmonii J.Graham




Flowering and fruiting period





Endemic to Peninsular India

Distribution in Kerala


All Districts



Moist areas under the shades of trees at low and high altitudes

Key botanical characters:

Rhizome puplish inside, fleshy road tubers. Leafy shoots erect fleshy clothed by greenish or reddish bracts. Leaves sessile, shortly petiolte; ligule 5 mm long, bifid lobes rounded. Green to hyaline; Lamina oblong lanceolate tip acuminate upper surface dark green. Glabrous lower surface pubescent. Inflorescence produced directly from the rhizome, peduncle short or absent, reddish-green, sheaths, coriaceous spikes ovate or subglobose. Bracts numerous, reddish green. Bracteoles smaller than the bracts, whitish towards the base reddish towards the tips. Calyx tubular, tip trilobed, memeranous, white. Corolla tube slender, slightly equal to the bracts, white; lobes three, yellowish; dorsal lobe longer, laterals small. Labellum shorter than corolla lobes, three lobed, yellow with purple spots. Lateral staminodes deep yellow with purple red spot. Anther yellow, thecae with glandular hairs beak like appendage. Fruit trigonous, whitish when young turning to red at maturity. Seeds dark red, Finely striate, aril white.

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