Torenia fournieri  Linden ex E. Fourn.




Local name


English   - Wishbone flower

 Flowering and fruiting period





Native of Vietnam, Grown as garden plants

Distribution in kerala


All Districts



Grown as garden plant

Endemic / Exotic






Key Botanical Characters  :  

Stem usually erect, up to 30 cm high, occasionally rooting at lower nodes, strigose on angles. Leaves ovate, 2.0-4.6 x 1.3-3 cm, truncate or rounded or subcordate at base, acute at apex, serrate, glabrous above, scabrid along midnerve beneath; petioles 0.6-1.5 cm long. Flowers axillary and solitary below, often in terminal or axillary racemes above. Bracts linear-lanceolate, upto 19 x 4 mm. Pedicels 1-1.6 cm long. Calyx tube 7-11 mm long; wings strigose, stiffened in fruit. Corolla up to 3 cm long; tube upto 2.1 cm long, expanded and pale blue above, narrowed and orange-yellow at base; upper lip broadly orbicular, upto 1.3 x 2 cm, distinctly carinate, pale blue; lower lip up to 2.5 cm across; lobes deep purple, filaments glabrous. Hypogynous disk pale yellow. Style glabrous. Capsule narrowly ovoid, 7-9 x 2 mm, glabrous, tipped by withered style; seeds orbicular-oblong, 1 mm long, foveolate.


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