Amomum nilgiricum V.P.Thomas & M.Sabu




Flowering and fruiting period


March to November



India (Western Ghats)




Key botanical characters:

Rhizome non-stoloniferous. Leafy shoots 2−4 m tall. Leaves petiolate; lamina 32−41 × 6.5−8 cm, lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, base cuneate apex acuminate to 3 cm long, puberulous to glabrous and green on upper surface, tomentose and pale beneath; ligule entire, lanceolate, 4.5−9 cm long, chartaceous. Infl orescence 7−15 cm long. Bract 3−4.7 × 1.6−2.1 cm, oblong, coriaceous, red, margin ciliate, apex slightly emarginate, pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Flower 4.7−5.2 cm long, yellow. Capsule globose, 2−3 × 2−3 cm, red, echinate, spines stout, pubescent externally.


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