Kaempferia galanga L.



Alpinia sessilis Koenig




Local name


Malayalam - Kacholam

Flowering and fruiting period


June to July



Native of India, also cultivated throughout India, Malesia, Africa, Java, China and Sri Lanka. 



Remedy for respiratory ailments like cough, bronchitis and asthma. The powder extracted from the rhizome is mixed with honey and given for coughs and pectoral affections.   The tuber is boiled in oil and applied externally for blocking of nasal tract (Kirtikar &. Basu, 1935).

Key botanical characters:

Rhizome 2-3 x 1-2 cm, crowded, strongly aromatic; roots numerous, often bearing, ovoid to spherical, 1.5-2 x 0.5-1 cm, white tubers.   Leafy shoot stemless, almost horizontal, near the ground. Leaves few, 2 or 3; lamina 10-15 x 6-10 cm, broadly ovate to orbicular, base rounded to subcordate, tip broadly pointed, margin hyaline, upper surface dark green, glabrous, lower surface pale green, white with violetish tinge towards the tip, densely hairy. Inflorescence sessile, 6-12 or more flowered, enclosed within 1.5-3.5 cm long, imbricating leaf sheaths (one flower opens at a time).   Flowers white with violet bands.