Alpinia malaccensis (Burm.f.) Roscoe



Maranta malaccensis Burm.f. 





Flowering and fruiting period


April – December



India (throughout S. India), Malesia, Java, Sri Lanka and Indo-China.

Key botanical characters:

Leafy stem robust, up to 3 m tall. Leaves bifarious, long petiolated; lamina 50-60 x 6-7 cm, lanceolate-acu­minate, pubescent or not, margins wavy, fringed with sparce, short, brown hairs; ligule 0.5-1 cm long, ovate, entire, co­riaceous, hairy; sheaths pubescent, more densely near the blade. Inflorescence terminal, erect or slightly curved, main axis densely pubescent. Bracts absent. Cincinni of 1-2 flowers. Pedicel pubescent. Bracteoles white, open to the base. Labellum yellow, striped scarlet, 3-4 cm long, 3 cm across at widest part, sides incurved, narrowed to an emarginate apex, with 2 papillose, fleshy swellings at the base. Lateral staminodes subulate, 5 mm long. Capsule turning red at maturity, globose.

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