Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.)Merr.

Calesium grande Kuntze
Local name
Flowering and fruiting period
Indo-Malesia and China
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Deciduous forests, also in the plains
It is used in Ayurveda and Siddha medicines. The leaf paste is applied to treat sprains and elephantiasis. The boiled leaves are applied for local swellings and body pains. The juice of bark and leaves is applied to ulcers and swellings.
Key botanical characters :
Deciduous tree.bark surface grey to dark brown, rough,  fibrous; blaze crimson red or deep pink. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, clustered at the end of branchlets, estipulate; rachis stout, swollen at base, stellate-hairy pubescent when young lamina oblong, oblong-ovate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate, base oblique, acute or round, apex acuminate, margin entire, lower surface and part of the upper with scattered stellate pubescence, chartaceous;Flowers unisexual, yellowish-green; male flowers : in compound racemes, calyx 4-lobed; lobes ovate, imbricate, persistent; petals 4, lanceolate, reflexed, imbricate; disc annular, 8-lobed; female flowers : in simple racemes; petals and sepals as in male flowers;Fruit a drupe,  ovoid, red; stone hard; seed compressed.

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