Musa haekkinenii N.S.Lý & Have






Native of Vietnam







Key botanical characters:  

Clump-forming, slender, herbaceous, suckering herbs. Pseudostem slender, up to 1.0–1.5 m, 3–7 cm in diameter at base, medium green, shiny, predominantly light green with small brownish pigmentations, without wax, sap watery. Leaf habit semi-erect; petiole c. 33–35 cm, green, with sparse black-purple blotches at base. Inflorescence erect; peduncle 8–10 cm, 2.0–2.4 cm in diameter, green, sometime tinted with red, glabrous; bracts bright orange-red with a green leaf-like tip, persistent, non-withering. Female bracts lifting one at a time, recurved downward to axis with age, moderately grooved, lacking wax, not imbricate, not revolute. Basal flowers female, borne in 3 to 6 female hands, female flowers 2 or 3 (or 4) per bract, arranged in a row. Fruit bunch lax, with 3 to 6 hands, 2 or 3 fruits per hand, borne in a row, fingers orientated obliquely respective to the axis, forming a 45° angle upward; mature un-fertilized fruit narrowly ovoid, slightly triangular, 3.2–3.7 cm long, ca. 1.2 cm in diameter, orange-yellow.


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