Sagittaria guayanensis Kunth

Sagittaria guayanensis subsp. guayanensis
 Flowering and fruiting period
Tropical Africa and tropical and subtropical Asia
Distribution in kerala
Kollam, Alappuzha, Pathanamthitta, Thrissur,
Ernakulam, Malappuram, Kannur
: Small ditches, paddy fields and margins of ponds
Ploughed in as a green manure in rice fields. The leaves are sometimes used to feed pigs.
Key Botanical Characters:
 Laticiferous aquatic annual herbs. Leaves floating, broadly ovate, base deeply cordate, basal lobes obtuse, apex obtuse; nerves 10-14, prominent on the undersurface; petiole to 32 cm long, spongy, base sheathing. Inflorescence a raceme, lower flowers bisexual, the upper ones male; peduncle upto 28 cm long; pedicels upto 1 cm long. Sepals 3, broadly triangular-ovate, persistent. Petals white, , obovate to orbicular. Stamens 9-12; filaments long, dilated and flattened at base; anthers long, oblong. Carpels many, elliptic to suborbicular, laterally flattened, with dorsal and ventral, undulate, membranous crest; style terminal, stigma punctiform. Fruit a globose cluster of achenes; long, elliptic, with a broad, blunt-spiny crest.

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