Bixa orellana L.


Bixa americana Poir.

Local name
English-  Annatto,  Lipstick tree 
Malayalam- Kurangumanjal
Flowering and fruiting period
June - November
Originally from Tropical America; now widespread in the tropics.
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Grown as ornamental plant.
Endemic /Exotic

Endemic to region between northern South America and Mexico.
Flowers are used for intermittent fevers, diseases of head and gonorrhoea. The pulp surrounding the seed is a mosquito repellent and is useful to treat dysentery. Dye from the pulp is used for colouring edible materials
Key botanical characters :
 Fruting Shrubs or small evergreen trees Leaves alternate, ovate, subcordate or truncate at base, shining above, densely red- dotted, initially,. Inflorescence a terminal corymb or panicle, 8-50 flowered,. Flowers are showy white or pink  cm across. Sepals broadly ovate to suborbicular,  purple. Petals 5-7, unequal, obovate, rounded at apex, pink. Stamens many; anthers purple. Ovary densely covered with thick red bristles; style brownish red with age; seeds obpyramidal, orange-red.


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