Nymphaea alba L.

Castalia alba (L.) Greene
Local name
English -White water lily
Flowering and fruiting period
Asia: India, China, Russia; Africa; Europe; North America; South America
Distribution in Kerala
All districts
Cultivated and naturalized in ponds and lakes.
Cultivated as ornamental.
Key botanical characters:  
Aquatic perennial herbs, laticiferous, rooted. Rhizomes erect or creeping, stoloniferous. Leaves polymorphic, suborbicular to cordate, , base deeply hastate or cordate, margin, apex obtuse to retuse, basal lobes unequal, usually floating or submerged, membranous when young and coriaceous, prominently veined when mature beneath, long petiolate, buds obtuse at the apex. Flowers bisexual, usually solitary and floating, white, , with long peduncles, receptacle cylindrical, sepals 4, free, ovate-oblong, apex obtusely cucullate, brownish green outside, about 5-8 x 1.5 x 1.8 cm across, petals about 20-25, oblong-lanceolate, base attenuate, apex obtusely cucullate, white, outer ones about the length of sepals or slightly longer, hypogynous to perigynous. Stamens numerous, distributed up to summit of ovary, filaments of innermost stamens filiform, lanceolate, longer than anthers, anthers partially sunken, carpels completely united, ovary superior, bout 14-20 loculate, stigma flat with a hemispheric central projection, yellow and stigmatic appendages incurved, triangular-ovate, sulcate inside. Fruit berry about 3-4 cm across. Seeds ellipsoid, smooth.

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