Magnolia champaca (L.) Baill. ex Pierre

Magnolia champaca var. champaca
Local name
English - Champak, Golden champa
Malayalam - Chembakam, Champakam
Flowering and fruiting period
Indo-Malesia and China
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Evergreen forests, also grown as garden plant
IUCN Status
Least concerned
Flowers and stem bark are useful in diabetes, quick wound healing, cardiac disorders and gout.
Key Botanical Characters: 
Evergreen trees, to 30 m high, bole straight. Leaves simple, alternate; stipules 1-2.5 cm long, lateral, adnate to the petiole, ovate, subglabrous, enclosing leaf buds, deciduous, leaving annular scar. Flowers bisexual, yellow or white, fragrant, 4-5 cm across, axillary or terminal, solitary; flower bud enclosed by a greenish-yellow, spathaceous, pubescent, coriaceous, deciduous bracts; pedicels 16 mm long, stout. Perianth parts 12-15, oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, stamens numerous, anthers 8-6 mm long, carpels many, superior, ovoid-oblong. Fruit an aggregate of capsules , laxly arranged, ovoid to ellipsoid, white sparkle; seeds 3-4, enclose by fleshy red aril.

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