Alpinia calcarata Roscoe




Languas calcarata (Roscoe) Alston




Local name


Khasi: Gonth – Tara. Eng.: Cardamon Ginger, Snap Ginger. Chinese: Ju hua shan jiang. Malayalam: Chittaratha. Sanskrit: Rasna.

Flowering and fruiting period


May – December



This species is native of India and also present in Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, New Guinea and Bismark Archipelago. It is cultivated in Sri Lanka, Malay Peninsula and China. In India, it is reported from Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Kerala and Karnataka.



Rhizome shows sharp odour and taste. It helps to cure fever, rheumatism and catarrhal affections and helps to improve voice. Rhizome has also important role as ingradients in several Ayurvedic preparations such as Rasnadi kashayam, Rasnadi churnum, Rasnadi thailum and Aswagandharishtam.

Key botanical characters: 

Rhizome 0.9-1.2 cm thick, strongly aromatic. Leafy shoots 127-129 cm high, slanting.  Leaves 17 or 18 in number, 4.5-13.9 cm apart; petiole short, 0.3-0.7 cm long, dark green, glabrous on both sides, margin ciliate; ligule single lobed, ovate, light green; lamina 11-38 x 2-3.6 cm, elliptic, dark green above, pale green below, aromatic. Inflorescence 8.5-11 cm long, erect, terminal. Bract minute, triangular, brown, scale-like, pubescent, cincinnus 4-flowered. Flower 3.2-4.2 cm long, white, brown stripes towards mouth, drooping, 2 or 3 opens at a time; Labellum, obovate, yellow at periphery, dark brown stripes radiating from centre, glabrous, tip crumbled, margin non-ciliate, entire. Capsule 2-2.5 x c. 1.5 cm, globose, pubescent, orange-red. Seeds many.


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