Diospyros ebenum J.Koenig ex Retz.



Diospyros assimilisBedd.




Local name


English- Indian Ebony

Malayalam-  Karingali

Flowering and fruiting period





Peninsular India and Sri Lanka

Distribution in Kerala


Kollam, Idukki



Dry deciduous forests



The edible fruits are eaten only in times of famine. It have medicinal properties as attenuate and lithontropic. The pounded bark and leaves are employed as a blistering plaster. The heartwood is very black; it is clearly demarcated from the light yellowish grey sapwood that is often streaked with black. The texture is very fine, close and even; the grain straight. .

Key botanical characters:

Evergreen dioecious trees, to 15 m high, bark black or grey-black, rough, peeling off in small rectangular pieces, fissured, brittle; blaze yellow; branchlets slender, apical part sparsely minutely adpressedpilose or glabrous. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate; petiole 4-10 mm long, slender, glabrous; lamina 4.5-15 x 4-7 cm, elliptic-oblong, oblong, oblong-lanceolate, obovate or obovate-oblong, base cuneate or acute, apex obtuse, emarginate or subacute, margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; lateral nerves 5-11 pairs, pinnate, prominent, basal pairs opposite, intercostae reticulate, prominent, pellucid. Flowers unisexual, subsessile, greenish-yellow; male flowers: 3-15 in short, axillary, umbellate clusters; peduncle densely tomentose; pedicel 3 mm; calyx cupular, glabrous; lobes 4, ovate, spreading, margin ciliate; corolla 7 mm long, 1 cm across, tubular to salver-shaped; lobes 4, ovate-oblong, 6 mm long; stamens 6-12, unequal, in uneven groups; filaments 1.5-3.5 mm long; anthers linear, connectives crested, apiculate; pistillode linear to 2 mm; female flowers: solitary, axillary, pedicel to 3 mm; calyx cupular, mouth densely tomentose; lobes 4, ovate, spreading, subacute; corolla 3 mm across, tubular; tube 6 mm; lobes 4, each 6 mm, acute, reflexed; staminodes 8 with double anthers; ovary superior, 4.5 x 4 mm, globose, 8-celled, ovules 1-in each cell; styles 4; stigma capitellate. Fruit a berry, 2 x 1.8 cm, subglobose, with short apical beak; calyx enlarged and forming a shallow wooden cup; reflexed; seeds 3-8, black; endosperm equable.


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