Thuja occidentalis L. 



Cupressus arborvitae O.Targ.Tozz.




Local name


English-  Northern white-cedar, Thuja



Native to eastern Canada and much of the north central and north-eastern United States. Now world-widely cultivated as ornamental plant.

Distribution in Kerala


All districts



Grown as ornamental trees, and extensively used for hedges

Key botanical characters:   

Trees to 15(-38) m tall; trunk 0.9(-1.8) m d.b.h.; bark reddish brown or grayish brown, fibrous, fissured; crown conical. Leaves on both sides of branchlets dull yellowish-green; facial leaves (1.5-)3-5 mm, abaxial gland conspicuous, apex acute; lateral leaves slightly shorter than or as long as facial leaves, apex incurved. Pollen cones reddish, 1-2 mm. Seed cones brown, ellipsoid, (0.6-)0.9-1.4 cm; fertile cone scales ca. 4. Seeds reddish-brown, 4-7 mm including wings.