Carica papaya L.

Carica citriformis Jacq.
Local name
English - Pappaya
Malayalam - Karmoosa
Flowering and fruiting period
Throughout the year
Native of Tropical America; cultivated in the
 tropics and subtropics
Distribution in Kerala
All Districts
Cultivated in homesteads      
Used as vegetable and fruit
Key botanical characters:
Small herbaceous tree with white milky juice. Trunk with scars of fallen leaves. Flower in clusters, sessile, calyx small 5-lobed, acute. Corolla tube 5-lobed, twisted in bud, lobes creamy yellow. Stamens 10, in two whorls, outer whorl of the stamens shortly stalked, filaments papillose, inner most sessile, anthers 2-celled dehiscing longitudinally, basifixed. In female plant 2-4 floral bud arise in the leaf axil, one of which becomes a complete flower; other floral buds fall off, sometimes one or two of them grow a little but never reach maturity, so flower seems to be solitary axillary. Peduncle short. Calyx united 5-lobed, acute, green and fleshy. Petals lanceolate, obtuse; stigma lobes fimbriate. Fruit large spherical or pyriform, turning yellow or orange with yellow or orange flesh. Seeds black, wrinkled, each enclosed in gelatinous membrane, oval in shape.

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