Jatropha gossypifolia L.



 Adenoropium gossypifolium (L.)




Local name


Malayalam- . Chuvannakadalavanakku,

Flowering and fruiting period





Native of South America, planted elsewhere in the tropics

Distribution in kerala


All districts



Grown as hedge plant, 



 used in folkloric system to manage emesis and gastrointestinal motility disorders such as constipation and diarrhea.

Key Botanical Characters :

Shrubs, purplish green and glandular hairy on younger parts. Leaves in close spiral, deeply 3-5-lobed, 7-11 x 8-12 cm, orbicular-cordate, margin with gland-tipped hairs, lobes obtusely acuminate, 5-nerved; stipules glandular-hairy; petiole 3-10 cm long, glandular-hairy. Flowers red with yellow centre, unisexual in axillary and terminal monoecious corymbose cymes. Bracts linear-lanceolate, glandular-hairy. Male perianth lobes free, biseriate, reddish-brown, outer c. 5 mm long, lanceolate, inner ones c. 4 mm long, obovate, villous at base within. Stamens 8-10. Female tepals 5. Stamens 8, biseriate. Ovary 3-celled; ovules solitary in each; styles 3, connate below. Capsule 1.3-17 x 1-1.4 cm, 3-lobed. Seeds oblong, 3-gonous



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