Vanda thwaitesii Hook.f.

Flowering and fruiting period
India and Sri Lanka
Distribution in Kerala

Idukki, Palakkad, Wayanad
Evergreen forests
Key botanical characters: 
Stem stout, woody, to 25 cm high, covered with leaf base. Leaves 12-15 x 1.5-2 cm, strap-shaped, recurved, unequally notched at apex. Flowers greyish-green, 4 x 3.5 cm, in 9-10 cm long leaf-opposed racemes; dorsal sepal 21 x 11 mm, obovate, obtuse, margins wavy, 7-veined; lateral sepals 23 x 13 mm, elliptic, subacute, obtuse, margins wavy, 9-veined; petals 21 x 11 mm, obovate, obtuse, margins wavy, 7-veined; lip 20 x 18-20 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes 9 x 2-2.5 mm, oblong, lanceolate, acute, curved downwards; midlobe 15 x 13 mm, fleshy, broadly ovate, truncate at apex; lobules obtuse; medianly grooved; 2 bilobed calli at the mouth of the spur; spur 10 x 4-6 mm, conical, inflated, keeled, rounded.

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