Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf.



Amaryllis multiflora (Martyn) Tratt.




Local name


English- Blood Lily

Flowering and fruiting period


April - May



Native to tropical Africa

Distribution in Kerala


All districts



Used as an ornamental plant all over the world

Key botanical characters:

Blood lily is a beautiful flowering bulb from tropical Africa. The spectacular flowerhead is a huge spherical umbel consisting of up to 100 flowers, held clear of the foliage at the end of a solitary stem. Each plant will produce only one flowerhead in a season. Blood lily is a bulbous plant with leaves on short, speckled stalks. The flower stalk bears a rounded inflorescence, 8-12 cm across. The plant may live for many years and will flower annually indoors. During the growing season the plant needs bright light, if possible direct sunshine for two hours daily. During winter dormancy, light is unimportant but temperature should not drop below 13 degrees centigrade.


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